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Ways to get Involved in Council 3111

About Us: Portfolio

Council 3111 Programs

General Information:

All council 3111 members have a variety of programs to choose from.  Time commitment can range from an hour or two each year, all the way to assuming a leadership role. Help is needed in all areas so we can continue to help others, serve our church, and grow in faith. Choose what speaks to you and how much time you can give. These programs are always in need leaders as well, with varying degrees of time for each. Time commitment estimates below are for general volunteering. Send an email to our council website,,  so a leader can contact you with details!


Faith Activities:

  • RSVP Program: Support for a seminarian. Volunteer to send a card to a seminarian, writing some words of encouragement. Council supplies the card. Time commitment: 10-15 minutes.

  • Men’s Faith Formation: Attend a meeting once per month, share a meal in fellowship, pray together, and learn more about our faith and individual spiritual growth. Time commitment: About 2 hours.

  • Conferences and Retreats: Attend the annual men’s Kepha Conference (March) or Priest Appreciation Dinner (June). Your council will pay the registration fees. Limitations may apply if there is a large demand. Time commitment: 4-6 hours.

  • Baptismal Gifts: Present a baptismal gift on behalf of the council to a family celebrating their child’s baptism. Council supplies the gift. Time commitment: About 1 hour as needed.

  • Rosary Program: Lead the rosary before mass once per month. Volunteer to participate in the rosary at the visitation for deceased knights. Time commitment: 20-30 minutes as needed.

  • Lenten Reflection: Attend a one-hour session emphasizing spiritual growth each week for the 6 weeks of Lent. Topics TBD. Time commitment: 1 hour

  • Lenten Soup Supper and Stations of the Cross: Volunteer to bring in a pot of soup and lead Stations of the Cross for parishioners during one of the weeks of Lent. Time commitment: 1-2 hours (not including your time to make the soup.)

  • Silent Knight Program: If your current schedule is too busy to allow for active participation or if you are limited physically, then this is the program for you! This is a program based on individual prayer. Each month you will receive an email with our prayer intentions resulting from council meetings. You write down the names in a journal supplied by the council and then pray along with us on your own time! Time commitment: Your choice!

  • Mass for Deceased Knights: On Columbus Day weekend we present the plaque of deceased knights and pray for them. Time commitment: None! Just come to mass and wear your name tag and/or other KOC gear.

  • Feast Day Meals: On the feast day for each of our churches, the council prepares and serves a meal for all parishioners. Be part of the team that makes the meal happen! If you are unable to volunteer, bring your family and enjoy the meal. Time commitment: 1-3 hours.


Family Activities

  • Food For Families: Participate in the distribution of food during the food truck delivery at All Saints Church. Time commitment: 1-2 hours.

  • Family of the Month: Pick a month and nominate a family of the month from one of our parishes. The family does not have to have a member in the KOC, just be active and provide a valuable contribution to the parish. Time commitment: 15 minutes? Just give it some thought and notify the GK with your nomination!

  • Women’s Appreciation Breakfast: Annually in May on or near Mother’s Day at St Michaels. Volunteer to help cook and serve breakfast for the women in our lives. Time commitment: 2 hours.

  • State/Supreme Programs: These are youth/family programs that need leaders and volunteers for them to run. Resource materials are available so the program can be easily implemented. Time commitment: Variable depending on your level of involvement

    • Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest


Community Programs

  • Coats For Kids Firewood Program: Come together with brother knights to cut, split, bundle, and stack firewood and help keep our 2 firewood stands stocked with firewood. Monies raised are used to purchase coats which are then distributed to the needy in our local area. Time commitment: Approximately 4 hours in each bundling session.

  • Adopt-A-Highway: Twice a year, join brother knights to clean up a section of M120 from St Michaels to the Wesco. Time commitment: 2 hours each occasion, fall and spring.

  • Local Parades: Walk along with our KOC train in local parades, pass out Tootsie Rolls, and wave to the crowd! Bring your kids to ride in the train! Time commitment: 2 hours.

  • Knight of the Month: Pick a council member who you think deserves special recognition. Nominate him for Knight of the Month.

  • State/Supreme Programs: These are youth/family programs that need leaders and volunteers for them to run. Resource materials are available so the program can be easily implemented. Time commitment: Variable depending on your level of involvement

    • Soccer Challenge

    • Free Throw Challenge

    • Essay Contest


Life Programs

  • ASAP: This Supreme program (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) is designed to support women and children after pregnancy. We provide financial support to a local pregnancy center. Participate in a fundraiser to help fund this program. Time commitment: (See council activities-Fundraisers).

  • MI Drive: Our biggest fundraiser where the most help is needed. Pass out Tootsie Rolls over Columbus Day weekend in October and collect free will donations from the public. Multiple time slots and locations available but shifts are only 3 hours long. Pick your time and location! All monies collected are distributed to Special Olympics and local organizations serving the mentally impaired. Time commitment: 3 hours.

  • Christmas Dinner for ARC of Newaygo County: Prepare and serve a holiday dinner for mentally impaired adults of Newaygo County and their families. Time commitment: 2-3 hours.

  • March For Life: Participate in the local Right-To-Life March sponsored by Newaygo County Right to Life. Takes place annually in January. Time commitment: About 1 hour.

  • Right to Life Annual Dinner: Attend the annual Newaygo County Right to Life Dinner, usually in October. Like the Kepha Conference and Priest Appreciation Dinner, your council pays the cost! Limitations may apply depending on level of interest so submit your name early. Time commitment: About 3 hours.

  • Blood Drives: Work with other volunteers at Red Cross Blood Drives. Work in the canteen or help register donors. Help save lives! Blood Drives take place every two months, and usually go all day from 12PM to 6 PM. Held at All Saints church on Thursdays. Work all day or just part of the day, you choose! Time commitment: 2-6 hours.


Council Activities

  • Council Meetings: Attend a council meeting and participate in the business affairs of the council. Council meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month from 7-8PM. Even months at STM, odd months at AST. Come early at 6:30 PM for fellowship and prayer prior to the business meeting. Time commitment: 1-3 hours.

  • Council Leadership: Serve as an officer or as a leader in the areas of Faith, Family, Community, Life, and Membership. Without leaders, the council cannot run. Our council is fortunate that we have many men who have experience as leaders and can help mentor others. God blesses all of us with our own unique talents and abilities. Put them to use and help your brother knights! New officers are chosen in the spring. Time commitment: variable

  • Fundraisers: Participate in fundraising for general council expenses. We have 2 main fundraisers.

    • Pizza Builds: Help build and sell approximately 250 pizzas. Builds occur on Saturday mornings 3 times a year. Time commitment: 2-3 hours.

    • 300 Club Raffle: Help sell tickets for our raffle. Raffle occurs in November and December.

    • Special Fundraisers: Watch for and participate in any fundraisers for special needs brought before the council. Examples might include catholic education like Bishop Baraga Academy, natural disasters, special appeals from either Supreme or State leadership, requests from our priest or Bishop, or special needs in our parish church.

  • Membership Activities: Participate in council appeals for new membership. Without members, the charitable works and spiritual growth available through our council are not possible. Reach out to catholic men and encourage them to join the KOC. Participate in the exemplification ceremony for new members by simply attending or become part of the exemplification team. Time commitment: 1-2 hours.

  • Fraternal Benefit Event: Build your knowledge of financial planning by participating in a webinar or live event offered by your local council, Supreme, or by a KOC insurance agent. Time commitment: 1-3 hours.

    ©2024 Knights of Columbus Council 3111

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