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Officers - Duties
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K of C
Catholic Church
Supported Org
Grand Knight
The grand knight is the council's chief executive officer.
The chancellor assists both the grand and deputy grand knights in the leading of the council by engaging and strengthening the council's membership.
The treasurer is responsible for managing the council funds, whether in bank or school accounts.
The warden is responsible for the property owned by the council.
Trustee - 1 Year
The trustees advise the grand knight, supervise the council's financial matters, and conduct the semiannual audits.
Deputy Grand Knight
The deputy grand knight serves as the grand knight's right-hand man and fills in for the grand knight when he is not present.
The recorder has the responsibility of recording all meetings and events held by the council.
The lecturer provides brief spiritual discourses and reflections during business meetings for the “Good of the Order”.
Inside Guard
The inside guard carries out tasks given to them by the grand knight and follow the warden's orders.
Trustee - 2 Year
The chaplain is the spiritual leader of the council.
Financial Secretary
The financial secretary is chosen by the trustees and the officers of the council for a three-year term and approved by the supreme knight.
The advocate acts as council parliamentarian. He should be knowledgeable in Robert's Rules of Order and Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937).
Outside Guard
The outside guard carries out tasks given to them by the grand knight and follow the warden's orders.
Trustee - 3 Year